Mönninghoff in numbers

  • The age of Maschinenfabrik Mönninghoff in years – 108
  • Percentage of sales volume from mining machines in 1967 – 92
  • Percentage of sales volume from mining machines in 1997 – 0
  • Employee record for most years with the company – 65
  • Average number of years with the company – 17,44
  • Number of Mönninghoff employees in 2023 – 136
  • Countries with Mönninghoff representative offices* – 31
  • Active customers in the last 10 years – 6.743
  • Items managed in the ERP system – 60.572
  • Tonnes of steel used in 2023 – 433,76
  • Number of spiral pins used in 2023 – 219.614
  • Kilometres of coil wire per year – 1.806
  • Cat7 duplex cable laid in the building in kilometers - 15
  • Square metres of production area – 5.300
  • Number of devices for quality assurance testing and measuring – 3.250
  • Items shipped in 2023 – 101.358
  • Custom-developed items in 2023 – 101.358
  • Justified claims in 2023 – 18
  • Annual of clutch rotations in fantastillions – 12,73
  • Highest switching frequency* (per second) achieved by a Mönninghoff clutch – 4
  • Percentage of potential energy savings* from using our M1 clutch – 99
  • Positioning accuracy* of our voice coil actuators –

* Any questions? +49 2327 3033-250

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